Thursday, February 20, 2014

Get serious about GMAT (Here are 6 pointers)

Get serious about GMAT (Here are 6 pointers)

1.  Avoid booking a test date and then starting  your preparation. A common practice. Let’s not underestimate the exam. There is lots to learn. In all likelihood the prep time that you earmarked would turn out to be much less than required.

2.  Before you start working out math, grammar etc, make a list of all that is totally new to you. Refer to official publication, search online or meet a good instructor to assist you in this task.

3. Do a skill check: Knowing the concept is good, but your ability to apply the concept to answer a question is a different ball game altogether. At every stage of concept, learning do multiple choice questions and check your test skills.

4. Learn from mistakes, not yours but others’. What are other test aspirants saying? You can’t take everything to be true. But a good  observation can help you avoid the common blunders.

5. Ensure that you master every single rule, concept and logic. You are not taking a semester exam to choose ’important’ chapters.

6.Your practice test scores should be real, not inflated. You ought to consistently score at levels that match your target score, say, in  5 full exams, including essay and IR)

Happy prep

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing 6 tips. Most universities take the highest score. Some might even take the best scores in different sections from different Tests. As long as the scores are improving, it's to the advantage of the Test taker. GMAT Atlanta | USMLE Courses
